Sunday, July 20, 2008
Today is PINKY'S birthday!!!
Happy BIRTHDAY Wen Ling...
Today u should officially start hating pink else ur sweet 16 will turn bitter..
Better listen cos i seriously noe wat happens to ppl whom are obsessed with pink!!!
they get KILLED by the ANTI-PINK MONSTER!!!
so ppl out there..warn those who lyks and are obsessed with pink tat dey should hate pink by their 16th birthday or dey shall face the unpleasant consequences!!!
(Yikes!!! tis post seems so crappy..and i strongly noe tat dey are caused by seein Wen Lings pink stuff everday and also due to the brain damage caused by Athirah's PINK room!!!)
Victim of pink attack
Anti- pink and pink haters association
Eww, Pink sucked at : 12:45 PM
Friday, July 18, 2008
i agreeeee!
pink is like the worst colour ever on earth.
or maybe it's cause of wen ling's presence
that makes us hate pink so much.
so, let destroy wen ling hand in hand :D
pink is fatal.
so, to hell with pink! :D
- Christina (:
Eww, Pink sucked at : 9:00 PM
Pink sucks. Like, totally. Reasons to justify my "resentment" with pink and all related things? Hmm.
Firstly, many girls love pink, and everyone associates pink stuff with girls, SO much that it's starting to get annoying.
Secondly, pink is everywhere. Here there up down left right, EVERY-FREAKING-WHERE. GAH. There's so much pink around that it's starting to hurt my eyes. Damn does pink make me feel sick.
Thirdly, pink is so... uh.. PINK. Like all the gross things are pink in colour. For instance, pigs.
Fourth; the colour pink is so bloody eye-catching and attention seeking that it makes it easier to spot, which in turn leads to us seeing more of pink around, and *point again* getting sick of pink.
Number five. All the annoying little five-year-old kiddo morons and snobbish girly bimbos love pink. Which makes people go all, ack.
In conclusion, pink sucks and everyone should hate it otherwise they are weird and don't deserve to live. :D
With love for pink-haters and tongue stuck out for pink-lovers;
Pooja Pandey !
Eww, Pink sucked at : 6:10 PM